Monday, June 22, 2009

Turtles All The Way Down

September 2008 I went to Peaceful Valley, Colorado for a 5-day workshop with Tom Crum called Journey to Center. Tom was the co-founder with John Denver on the Windstar Foundation in Snowmass, Colorado in the '70s. Since I have been a huge fan of John Denver's since I was 14 years old (in 1970), I knew about Tom Crum. At least I thought I did. After reading his books and talking to Judy Warner, his team member extraordinaire, I knew I had to go to this workshop. It turned out to be one of the best things I've ever done for myself.

Using Aikido, Tom taught us how to flow with the energy around us instead of resisting or trying to control our circumstances. How futile is that anyway, but sometimes we still think we can.

Tom is a master with stories. He told stories over and over to get his point across, and one of his finest ones was about turtles. Now, it's been close to a year since I attended this workshop, and I've moved, changed careers and hair color, began and ended relationships, so I'm not going to attest to the accuracy of this story, but here goes.

A man went to his guru for the answer to his most burning question. He asked him, "Master, if Atlas is holding up the world, then who's holding up Atlas?"

The master turned to this man and said, "A turtle."
The man scratched his head. Puzzled, he questioned him again.
"But, Master, if a turtle is holding up Atlas, then who's holding up the turtle?"
Without missing a beat, the Master responds: "It's turtles all the way down!"
I think of this story often when I begin feeling overwhelmed with what's happening in life. We're just being held up by turtles, just how serious can this be? When I laugh about my craziness, I thank Tom for reminding me who I really am and to lighten up.
So, of course, upon returning to my home in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, I didn't leave my studio until turtles were created on many different pieces. Using threads, paints, organza, and even beads, I developed turtles like there was no tomorrow. In this one, I put Atlas' foot on one quilted piece connected with beads it to the longer one with a gazillion turtles holding him up.
I did this piece on commercially printed cotton using organza for the turtles and thread painting them with cotton threads. I love the turtles hanging off the fabric. You can really see their little bodies designed with thread and organza.
This one and the white one are made from silk scraps that came from an interior designer's warehouse in southern California. The beads on the background were already on the fabrics. I just free-motioned embroidered the turtles with the thread. I just can't look at them without smiling.
So, whatever is going on in your life, just remember it's always and only
Thank you, Tom!
And also, if you want to see the stitching up close, click onto the pictures. You'll get a better idea of what the pieces really look like.

1 comment:

  1. I love this. Who do you suppose the turtles represent? ;-) You are a really good writer.
